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Unpleasant Dining and Food at Butlins
Read the Reviews Below
I did think about posting reviews on various sites but no doubt you will find those yourself. See the sample review below and links to more review sites for Butlins.
Review Picture 1 – Pathetic TV
So here are a few pictures that let you know how I feel about Butlins starting with the glorious tatty TV that went off the air 3 days out of 5.

Review Picture 2 – Mouldy Shower Tray – I cleaned it myself!

Review Picture 3 – Disgusting Soap Tray
Think this must have there when I was a child – 40 years ago.

Review Picture 4 – Dirty Sink

Review Picture 5 – Dirty Knickers
Yes that’s a dirty pair of knickers cemented to the floor outside the patio window. Found by my 4 year old granddaughter. Not the only pair we found!

Review Picture 6 – No Strawberry Jam
Review Picture 6 – No Strawberry Jam
This made me laugh. You can’t have strawberry jam because everyone keeps eating it and leaving the apricot. Duh – try telling that to a 3 and 4 year old all week while everyone rummages down to the bottom for something they like
I booked as a disabled person. Now I won’t turn this into a review of disabled facilities but suffice it to say that I struggled to get in the bathroom couldn’t reach the toilet roll and they put us at the farthest possible point from the restaurant. It took us 20 minutes to walk each day with 3 kids under 5! Past everything that cost money!
Review Pictures taken from the corner showing the Pavilion so far in the distance you can barely see it and our accommodation at the furthest point the other way plus the typical squalor and dirt on route.See Butlins Cheap Deal for the truth about how cheap it really is (or isn’t). You can see what we passed on our way to breakfast – exactly the sort of thing you should know from a holiday review.
Review about Butlins (Minehead)

Review Picture 7 – This is supposed to be suitable for disabled?
Good entertainment poor accommodation and food
Review from cipenman about Butlins (Minehead) th August
Rating Advantages Keeps the kids happy
Disadvantages Room very poor not clean even after 5 complaints
Summary: Very poor room poor maintenance and very poor cleaning Full review
We accepted the fact that the room needed redecorating etc but did not accept that it was dirty. There was mould all around the shower and the sink the carpets did not look like they had been cleaned for a while the skirting boards were think with dust as were door frames etc doors and walls were covered in splash marks and finger marks there were cobwebs in over the ceilings. On top of this the ceilings were cracked plaster was missing from the corner of walls skirting boards badly in need of painting the sink was cracked there was no plug or bin the sheets and bed covers were ripped and the pillows were stained.
This was a silver room which was meant to be better than standard! I complained on the Sunday and was told that there were no cleaners in on Sundays and that it would be cleaned on Monday. It was not cleaned on Monday but not wanting to complain I waited until Tuesday afternoon. Still nobody had been in so I complained again and was told that someone would come around to see us. Someone arrived about 15 minutes later with a bin and left. We waited for someone else but nobody arrived and we went back out again for the evening.
Wednesday came and a cleaner arrived All they did was clean Hoover the carpet around anything left on the floor and made 2 of the 5 beds ! I complained again about this and was told that I would have to call back again the following morning and speak to a manager. So Thursday came and I spoke to a manager who said they would come to see us in 10 to 15 minutes they arrived 35 minutes later. I told them of the problems and they told me it would be cleaned properly that day.
When we got back to the room we found that it had been cleaned slightly better than before but not particularly well. I rang up and complained again and a cleaning team was sent around immediately. Even after this team had been most of the walls and doors were still dirty there was still think dust on most of the skirting boards and still mould in the bathroom. I was given an £80 refund ( holiday cost £964) for the problems but this was not sufficient in my view. We certainly would not go back to Butlins again